Escaflowne On Cloud 9 Home Page
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Funny Crap Page

Link To Me

Guest Book

Hi, thanks for coming! This is Escaflowne On Cloud 9, but you probably already guessed that. This site is maintained and run solely by me, White Raven. I hope you enjoy your stay here, and have fun with my many pictures, and other things you come across here. Well, see you later, and please, don't forget to sign the guestbook if you wish.
Thanks, All
See you around sometime.
What's New

Wow, it's certainly been a while, hasn't it? Thanks if you came back to this crap-tastic page, it shows you care. Heh. Well, a lot has happened to me since I started up this page... Wow... It's almost frightening looking back on this page... I've done a lot of growing up since this site, met a lot of people, and endured a lot of pain. By the way, I know HTML now, so this site is kind of... Obsolete, unfortunately.

I'm almost finished Codename: Fox. It's gone pretty well... I've made a new Escaflowne on Cloud 9 page with some half-assed HTML. Yes, the new site has frames *Shudder* and no Guestbook, but if you really wanna comment, you can.

The new site is kind of still in the works, I'm making screencaps and stuff for it. Anyways, if you have some time to waste, here it is:

To find my poetry and other stuff, which Idiot ( ) has made a page for, please visit *Kisses for Idiot*

Thanks to everybody who's come here, even the ones who hate the site, thanks anyways. Drop me a line sometime just to chat or something, my new e-mail is and I'd be glad to talk. (I don't get much e-mail, other than from Idiot. Haha.)

As cheesy as it sounds... Thanks for the memories. I can also be found very frequently at under the ID of 'White Raven.' Just register if you feel like it, talk to me, browse around... Whatever tickles your fancy.

See you all sometime,

White Raven (Alida)

Other Stuff

My Poetry and Stuff

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Isn't It Pretty? Psyfive Made It For Me! (It's My Forum Avatar)
